Even when using PowerShell, Microsoft doesn’t make it simple when it comes to adjusting licensing in bulk and service plan options/apps within. Mainly that is because there is no easy way to keep a current configuration – any license change you apply to a user overwrites their existing setup. To address that letdown I created a script you can find below.
I tried to make this script very flexible and user friendly, please see the highlights of the script:
- the script is interactive – just select all actions;
- no need to predefine any variables;
- works with all license packages;
- allows both enabling and disabling services/apps;
- respects the currents configuration for each user.
This script assumes you are already connected to the right services and have all modules installed.
# List License Packages $LicensePackageChoices = @() $i = 0 $LicensePackages = Get-MsolAccountSku ForEach ($LicensePackage in $LicensePackages) { $outObject = "" | Select Number,'Package Name','PackageID' $i = $i + 1 $outObject."Number" = $i $outObject.'Package Name' = $LicensePackage.SkuPartNumber $outObject.PackageID = $LicensePackage.AccountSkuId $LicensePackageChoices += $outObject } Write-host `n"Listing License Packages:" -ForegroundColor Cyan $LicensePackageChoices | ft Number,'Package Name' | Out-Host # Select License Package Do { Try { $Num = $true [int]$SelectedInput = Read-host "By typing a number, select a License Package you would like to adjust for each user that has it" } Catch {$Num = $false} } Until (($SelectedInput -gt 0 -and $SelectedInput -le $LicensePackageChoices.count) -and $Num -eq $true) $SelectedLicensePackage = $LicensePackages[[int]$SelectedInput - 1] $SelectedLicensePackage | Out-Host # List all licenses users with selected License Package Write-host "Lisiting all licensed users that have $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber):" -ForegroundColor Cyan $Users = Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {($_.isLicensed -eq $true) -and ($_.Licenses.AccountSkuId -contains $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId)} $Users | Select-Object DisplayName,UserPrincipalName,@{Label="Currently disabled within $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber)";Expression={(($_.Licenses | Where-Object {$_.AccountSkuId -eq $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId}).ServiceStatus | Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled'}).ServicePlan.ServiceName -join ','}} | ft Write-host "Total - $($Users.Count)"`n -ForegroundColor Cyan # Select between enabling or disabling a Service Plan $AnswerEnableOrDisableService = Read-Host "Would you like to enable or disable a service within $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber) for every user that has it (type 'enable' or 'disable')?" While ("enable","disable" -notcontains $AnswerEnableOrDisableService) { $AnswerEnableOrDisableService = Read-Host "Would you like to enable or disable a service within $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber) for every user that has it (type 'enable' or 'disable')?" } # List Service Plans $ServiceChoices = @() $i = 0 $Services = (Get-MsolAccountSku | Where-Object {$_.AccountSkuId -eq $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId}).ServiceStatus ForEach ($Service in $Services) { $outObject = "" | Select Number,'Service Plan' $i = $i + 1 $outObject."Number" = $i $outObject.'Service Plan' = $Service.ServicePlan.ServiceName $ServiceChoices += $outObject } Write-host `n"Listing Service Plans for $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber):" -ForegroundColor Cyan $ServiceChoices | ft Number,'Service Plan' | Out-Host # Select Service Plan Do { Try { $Num = $true [int]$SelectedInput = Read-host "By typing a number, select a Service Plan you would like to $($AnswerEnableOrDisableService) for each user that has $($SelectedLicensePackage.SkuPartNumber)" } Catch {$Num = $false} } Until (($SelectedInput -gt 0 -and $SelectedInput -le $ServiceChoices.count) -and $Num -eq $true) $SelectedServicePlan = $Services[[int]$SelectedInput - 1] $SelectedServicePlan | select-object $_.ServicePlan.ServiceName | Out-Host # Run for each user foreach ($User in $Users) { [Array]$AlreadyDisabledServicePlans = (($User.Licenses | Where-Object {$_.AccountSkuId -eq $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId}).ServiceStatus | Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled'}).ServicePlan.ServiceName # Update Service Plans if 'disable' If ($AnswerEnableOrDisableService -eq 'disable') { [Array]$DisablePlans = $AlreadyDisabledServicePlans + $SelectedServicePlan.ServicePlan.ServiceName $DisablePlans = $DisablePlans | Select-Object -Unique $LicenseOption = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId -DisabledPlans $DisablePlans Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -LicenseOptions $LicenseOption } # Update Service Plans if 'enable' ElseIf ($AnswerEnableOrDisableService -eq 'enable') { [Array]$DisablePlans = $AlreadyDisabledServicePlans $DisablePlans = $DisablePlans | Where-Object {$_ -ne $SelectedServicePlan.ServicePlan.ServiceName} $DisablePlans = $DisablePlans | Select-Object -Unique If ($DisablePlans.Count -eq 0) { $LicenseOption = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId } Else { $LicenseOption = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $SelectedLicensePackage.AccountSkuId -DisabledPlans $DisablePlans } Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -LicenseOptions $LicenseOption } # Output before and after change $outObject = new-object psobject -Property @{ User = $User.DisplayName 'Already Disabled' = ($AlreadyDisabledServicePlans -join ",") 'Disabled Services after Update' = ($DisablePlans -join ",") } $outObject | Select-Object User,'Already Disabled','Disabled Services after Update' }
Pingback: PowerShell - Office 365 - Disable an entire license package for each user - Office 365 Basics
Insane indeed that Microsoft makes it hard to adjust.
“You have exceeded the maximum number of allowable transactions.”
Screw (edited by Paul) it.