SharePoint Column Formatting – hide Title column and use JSON to show View and Edit buttons in any column

It’s not always convenient to use a default Title column that comes standard with a newly created SharePoint list. PowerApps form can take care of it and add some logic to it but it is still a Single line of text column. To make it even more complicated to remove, that Title column ties to a "view/edit an item" link. If you still want to get rid of it and not lose any functionality you can use a simple JSON code below: { "elmType": "a", "txtContent": "@currentField", "attributes": { "href": "=''+[$ID]" }, "style": { "padding": "10px", "font-weight": "bold" } } However, this method has quite a few downsides: when closing a form, it redirects to a Default view (it is possible to specify which view to go but that might be a lot of hard-coding depending on how many views you have); the link is hard-coded; does not seem to open "modern…

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