PowerShell – find and update a string value within all dynamic group membership rules
If your company benefits from using dynamic groups, then you probably know that feature takes its toll - proper maintenance and updates. It usually happens when there are some organizational changes - updated job titles or another department, just to name a few. The purpose of this script is to take that burden away and make updates at once to every single dynamic group that matches the scope of the adjustment. Benefits and nuances of the script: can find and update any string value - doesn't matter if you update a property name or a property value; saves a CSV log file with all values before and after the update; only takes a few seconds to run and adjust up to 20 groups at once; 20 group number comes from a Graph API Batch limitation, more on that here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/json-batching retains membership rule formatting if you used one, more…