AAD Dynamic Group – example and formatting tips

If your company has at least an Azure AD premium P1 license, then you have access to a powerful feature - Dynamic group membership. Microsoft has a lot of information on how to construct those rules -  https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/groups-dynamic-membership So in my post I would rather focus on some formatting tips: When designing a rule, using a Windows PowerShell ISE or any coding software is helpful for proper spacing Use CRLF (carriage return line feed) to separate blocks in your dynamic rule - AAD system interprets those as spaces without any issues  If you keep formatting nice and tidy (rather than a blob of text), Graph API will preserve that formatting when pulling data for reports Use a combination of -in, -NotIn, and arrays as much as possible - this approach is great to further scale your rule Put OR condition to the very end of the rule A rule below…

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