SharePoint Column Formatting – use JSON to show column data in a pop-up window

Sometimes a SharePoint column has too much information, which eventually stretches rows and distorts the look. An example below is a Multiple lines of text type column: This simple JSON code is useful to hide noncrucial information, while still allowing easy access to that data by hovering your mouse cursor over it. { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "style": { "display": "=if(@currentField, '','none')", "font-size": "12px" }, "txtContent": "Hover to see more", "customCardProps": { "formatter": { "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "@currentField", "style": { "padding": "5px 5px 5px 5px", "border": "solid", "border-radius": "2px", "border-width": "1px", "box-shadow": "0 0 2px 0" } }, "openOnEvent": "hover", "directionalHint": "bottomCenter", "isBeakVisible": false } }

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