Skype for Business – using Banner logo from Azure-Company Branding in a Skype Logo URL

It's a good practice to display your Company logo in the places where it makes sense, e.g.: Login page (for users to be 100% sure they are trying to access their Company resource) Email signature (Company branding) Skype for Business meeting (Company branding) Configuring Logo in the Skype for Business is pretty straightforward and fully described in this Microsoft article - Since it has to be a URL, it must be pointing to a web resource whether it's your Company website, SharePoint document library with enabled anonymous access or anything else. In my opinion, these are all unnecessary dependencies. Why not using something that is already configured? PREREQUISITES - Company Branding To configure Company branding you must follow these steps: Go to Microsoft 365 admin center - Admin centers - Azure Active Directory Then Azure Active Directory admin center - Azure Active Directory - Company branding - Banner logo Upload your Company logo image following the…

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