PowerShell – nullify extension attributes for all users in AAD using Graph API

Extensions attributes in AAD are a great way to store any auxiliary information that does not belong in any other user properties. The only sad part, it's only 15 of them and they are text fields. If you ever need to clear some or all of them, the script below will be a great help! Benefits of the script: makes changes in batches - only takes seconds to run; dry or wet run depending on the switch (see the important note below). This script uses an App-only access rather than Delegated access unlike my other script ( https://365basics.com/powershell-find-and-update-a-string-value-within-all-dynamic-group-membership-rules/ ). If you would like to learn more - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth/auth-concepts/ Important! This line (#116) of code is responsible for either dry or wet run of the script. I left it commented on purpose and by default. # $UserAdjustments = Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters Technically, you can adjust this script to clear and/or populate any user attributes. #…

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PowerShell – find and update a string value within all dynamic group membership rules

If your company benefits from using dynamic groups, then you probably know that feature takes its toll - proper maintenance and updates. It usually happens when there are some organizational changes - updated job titles or another department, just to name a few. The purpose of this script is to take that burden away and make updates at once to every single dynamic group that matches the scope of the adjustment. Benefits and nuances of the script: can find and update any string value - doesn't matter if you update a property name or a property value; saves a CSV log file with all values before and after the update; only takes a few seconds to run and adjust up to 20 groups at once; 20 group number comes from a Graph API Batch limitation, more on that here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/json-batching retains membership rule formatting if you used one, more…

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Power Automate – get all data through paging in Graph API

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To make it simpler, I will quote an article from Microsoft website: Some queries against Microsoft Graph return multiple pages of data either due to server-side paging or due to the use of the $top query parameter to specifically limit the page size in a request. When more than one query request is required to retrieve all the results, Microsoft Graph returns an @odata.nextLink property in the response that contains a URL to the next page of results. More on that here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/paging The Power Automate workflow below shows how to handle paging and extract all of the data (in my case, the display names of all users). Important! This example is for Graph API only, any other API might structure data differently. The latter will require some adjustments in the workflow. 1) HTTP action. Peek code: { "inputs": { "method": "GET", "uri": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users", "queries": { "$top": "4", "$select":…

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