PowerApps form in SharePoint – show values of Created and Created By before item submission

I am huge advocate of using as few columns as possible when building PowerApps forms in SharePoint. Let's take a look at a very simplified example - a custom Requests SharePoint list.  It surely has to have fields like: Requested By (a user name here) Requested On (a date and time here). So rather than creating two more columns and populating them with values, I would highly recommend using columns that already exist in SharePoint - Created and Created By. The downside of these columns is they don't have values until a user submits the request. Because of this it might be not the cleanest user experience if you decide to use and show those fields. There is a simple way to prepopulate those fields with values that will be exact (user name) or very close (date and time) to the ones that will appear after submission. Let's create a…

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